Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 Months Old, according to Annie

Playing dress up in my pretty purple dress, with matching bonnet and booties. Thanks Fab. Aunt EC!

I sleep in my big girl crib now.  Mom and Dad thought I should move when I started playing with the rungs on my cradle instead of sleeping.  They miss me being in their room, but I think we all sleep a little better now.  I'm sleeping 6-8 hour stretches at night. 

I keep mom on her toes when she tries to take pictures of me with those silly signs.  I just turned 3 months old!

Trying out the Bumbo seat...

I love to make spit bubbles!

I do have duck feet!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Pats, Pumpkins, and the littlest Pawlak

 Way overdue for an update post!  Over the past few weeks, we've been pumpkin picking, hiking, dressed up for Halloween, and Annie watched her first Pats game (on TV...then blew out the Pats onesie like a champ).  She's developed a disarming smile, and loves lounging in her swing, looking at mirrors, and playing with rattles.  We've started sleeping through the night more often than not, although the time change threw her for a bit of a loop; we'll see what this week brings.  We were glad to have Dan's family in town again for Uncle Jason's graduation from Navy OCS (Congratulations!!)  Annie got to meet her Great Grandma for the first time...and she really is great!

It takes a lot of energy to ride around in a baby bjorn... :)

All dressed up in her pumpkin outfit
Four generations!
Happy little Pats fan!

Pink cowgirl boots...thanks Kylen for letting her borrow them!
Family hike...

Annie loves this monkey picture, and waves/smiles/touches it every morning

"the lip"