We had our first big nor'easter today, dumping about 18" of snow on us! I took Annie out in it for a few minutes... she seemed to enjoy it, looking around at the snow plows and smiling at our neighbor. She got cold and tired after a few minutes, so we brought some snow inside to play with...
in memory of Gretel! |
Quick update from Annie's 4-month appointment at the end of December... she's 15lbs. (70%ile), 26" (90%ile!) and head circumference in the 40%ile... she's definitely taking after us in the height department! Her pediatrician confirmed a milk protein intolerance, which is being managed well by mom maintaining a dairy/whey/casein free diet. We'll start solids (is rice cereal really a solid?) in a few weeks, at 6 months. She's developing right on track...beginning to giggle and sitting with decreasing support, reaching for toys and putting everything in her mouth (toys, clothes, blankets, fists...) - it's been a fun stage. Her laugh is still somewhat elusive, but we'll do our best to post a video clip of it soon!