Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Here's a video of Annie's first taste of spaghetti, and another of her "helping" with laundry...


trying to see the sparkly butterfly on her shirt...

found mom's Current catalog

which provided a solid 30 minutes of fun!

hmm...where are those coupons?

doing a little redecorating

Hey Mom!  Look what I did while you were typing that email :)

Annie, this one's going in your wedding slideshow someday <3

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sheepshearing Festival

We went to our first Sheepshearing Festival recently, held at the historic Gore estate about two miles from our house.  Dan liked the handmade wooden toys, Katie liked the handspun wool, and Annie liked all the animals!

 (We were unfortunately unable to upload a video of Annie laughing at the clucking chickens...
try picturing it in your mind - it was hilarious :)

First Mother's Day

Dan helped Annie make a "Mom Book," the idea being that she will draw or write in it each year for Mother's Day.  Dan designed the front and wrote a very sweet note, from Annie's perspective, to accompany her finger painting.  The tiny finger marks in the paint are my favorite part.
Annie wore the pink dress that I wore home from the hospital when I was born (it was very big on me!)  I let out the hem a few inches and it was good as new.  

9 Months!

Annie hit the 9-month mark last week!  She had a fabulous check-up, weighing in at 20lbs. 2 oz (74%ile) and 28.5 inches "tall" (80%ile).  She's been on the same growth curve for the past several months.  We like consistency :)  The latest round of testing shows no evidence of milk/soy/egg allergies, so now we're (both) slowly phasing in yogurt, cheese, etc.  into our diets.  Yeah!!
Annie's crawling, pulling to stand, and starting to cruise along the furniture.  Her current favorite activities are playing Dan's drum, anything to do with music, and waving to family, friends, and strangers.  No teeth yet, but we sense they will be here soon.  Her happy yet sensitive personality continues to evolve, and we're proud to see her facing some of her fears with bravery (the food processor, vacuum, mom and dad coughing or sneezing...).  Separation anxiety has begun, but we pray she will soon learn that we will always come back for her!! 


mmm...spaghetti.  I love feeding myself.

and helping mom do the laundry.

Annie, meet grass.  Grass, meet Annie.

Attempting to eat a stick while Mom was fiddling with the camera.