Thursday, August 26, 2010

A brand new...bellybutton!

A quick update on little miss Annie... she had her 2-week pediatrician appointment this morning, and weighed in at a whopping 7lbs. 6oz!  Way to grow!  She's in the 25%ile for weight, and isn't really old enough to be on the height charts yet.  My guess is that she'll creep up that chart just like her parents.  We've had the same NP for the past few visits, and she reiterated how pleased she is with Annie's growth and with the rate at which her jaundice is almost all cleared up.  In other exciting news, Annie's cord stump fell off during the night, and she now has a big girl (outie) bellybutton!  It's super cute.  :)  

Check out my new bellybutton!

2 weeks!
"Here's some spit-up for you, mom" 

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi!  We changed a few settings to enable everyone to leave comments more easily.  If you've tried to leave one within the past few days and it didn't work, it should now.  Please forgive our newbie-ness with all of this newfangled blog technology!

Settling In...

Mom's first post!  Annie turns two weeks old tomorrow, and it feels like we're starting to settle in as a family of three.  It's been great to have Dan home on and off over the past two weeks.  He's been phasing back into work slowly, giving us lots of family time lately which we've all cherished.  Annie's holding her own quite well, and showing us glimpses of her personality here and there as we get to know her better.  As of last Thursday (8 days old), she'd gotten back up to her birthweight and her jaundice was clearing nicely.  (The nurse called her an "overachiever"... )  We can still see glimpses of yellow in her forehead when she scrunches up her face, but it's nowhere near as noticeable as it was earlier on.  She had her first Sunday at church this week, and was excited to meet many of the people who've been praying for her over the past 9-10 months.  She's nursing like a champ, and sleeping for 2-3 hour stretches at night, give or take.  We're giving cloth diapers a go and, as of the past few days, it's been going pretty well.  No major explosions yet, but it's probably just a matter of time before we have a post about that :)  Enjoy a few pictures of our sweet little peanut...

Hanging out in her carseat swing...
Not a fan of diaper changes
first cloth diaper!
sweet little feet
grabbing at my hat
growing out of my preemie outfit!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Visiting Annie in the Hospital

My brother created a video while they were in town visiting.  The video documents their first visit with Annie.  Thank you Tyler for creating this video.  We all really love watching it.  Enjoy.
Link to Video

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Annie's First Bath

Happy and clean baby


I have completed my cradle project for Annie.  The cradle is made from red oak with a golden pecan stain.  It swings very nicely, which Annie appreciates greatly.  It fits perfectly in our room with the rest of our bedroom set.
Under construction

Finished product

Happy baby

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Many Faces of Annie

We were sitting on the couch and Annie started waking up.  These pictures were taken within five minutes of each other.